Friday, August 7, 2009

My quest to be a Bass player.

My quest to be a bass player started back in March of this year. I had decided that when Liam was old enough I didn't want him to only appreciate music, but also learn how to play an instrument, and I wanted to be the one to teach him. That led me to go to Henri's music and rent a bass and an amp. I ordered a couple books, and off I went into learning mode.

As with most things for me, it isn't coming along quite as quickly as I'd like, but I am making progress. After about 4 months of self study I started to question if maybe my approach to learning was flawed, and maybe I could be learning at a faster pace, so I started to solicit lessons. The first recommendation I got was for Andy Mertens with Jazz Orgy ( here in Oshkosh. Not only was he highly recommended as a teacher, but those who have watched him play said he was amazing. Due to scheduling conflicts and timing I could not get a lesson with Andy, and went with someone I had found doing a web search. He was a good teacher for the one lesson I've had to this point, and very knowledgeable. As fate would have it, Andy Mertens became available for lessons, and now I have my first lesson with him tonight. I believe tonight really begins my journey for becoming a real bass player.

I will keep posting blogs on my progress. Incuding songs I am working on, both originals. And covers. I'm very excited about this, and can't wait to share with my son.

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